High Vibes are

Always in Season!


Giving Back

We are proud to say we are committed to donating 5% of our profits to Children International, a charity helping children and youth overcome the burdens of poverty so they can have a better future - one in which is full of optimism and opportunity.

Children International is a charity close to our hearts and one that we've supported for over a decade. It truly is life-changing for a child in need. They provide access to regular health and dental care, new clothing, education, empowerment programs and employment opportunites.

By supporting us, you're also supporting them.

To learn more about the charity or see how you can get involved.


Let Gratitude Be Your Attitude

"Where intention goes energy flows." - James Redfield


Practicing gratitude is a powerful practice that seems small but has far reaching effects on our everyday lives. It's actually the simplest, most effective thing you can do every day to be happier and be in a high vibin' state.